• Linux Kernel For Mac

    Linux Kernel For Mac

    Advertisement Along with The sheer number of different ways in which Linux can be run is astounding, as there are plenty of choices to go around. While there are plenty of distributions which rely on either the.deb., compiling your own Linux kernel is one of those things that’s considered very geeky and technical. We’ve already Linux systems are so ridiculously flexible and configurable, it's downright crazy. A huge part of why Linux is so flexible is because of its modular structure. Every single system component and program is split up.

    Mar 20, 2015 - Cross compiling anything can be done on virtually any host with the right cross toolchain. Macs are usually not the preferred build host for the Linux kernel,. Last month Apple started placing job ads around the web looking for Linux kernel developers. In Austin, Texas the company is seeking a 'Silicon Validation Engineer - Linux Driver and Kernel. The kernel provides basic services for all other parts of the operating system. Kernel panics are generally caused by an element beyond the Linux kernel's control, including bad drivers, overtaxed memory and software bugs. The Linux platform is open-source, unlike Mac and Windows, so kernel development is open and collaborative. While the macOS kernel combines the capabilities of a microkernel with Mach and a monolithic kernel like BSD, Linux is just a monolithic kernel. A monolithic kernel is responsible for managing CPU, memory, inter-process communication, device drivers, file system, and system service calls. That is, it does everything without subdivisions.

    Why you might want to do this. Before we walk you through the steps, here’s a brief overview on some important concepts. What Is a Kernel? In short, it’s a vital part of your operating system, if not the most important.

    An operating system is responsible for letting your programs function, by allowing them access to your hardware. However, it’s the There is only one de facto thing that Linux distributions have in common: the Linux kernel. But while it's often talked about, a lot of people don't really know exactly what it does. Which actually carries all these jobs out.

    The Linux kernel is special in that it can be tailor made to fit the hardware you own. Contrast this with the Windows NT kernel, which will be generally the same across every computer. To do this, the kernel must go through a process called compiling. What Is Compiling?

    Karafun for mac

    Generally, programs are written in a human readable format. This makes it easier for people to create software.

    For example, the Linux kernel is written mainly in a programming language called C. However, computers can’t understand this. They only recognize a complicated language called machine code.

    To do so, the lines of text need to be using a special piece of software called a compiler. Different compilers are used to convert different programming languages.

    For example, GCC is a compiler which translates C code into machine code (among others). But that’s not all they do — compilers can also optimize the translated code for specific machines. Along with this, they can also remove unwanted features from programs whilst doing so. Usually, this process is already done for lots of software.

    Instead, people download the converted binary instructions, which work out of the box. For example, the Using the 'wrong' browser can lead to a lot of unnecessary headaches, wasted productivity, and even lost data. So which browser is the best for your Linux computer? Let's find out. You’re running right now is already compiled. This is because compiling something can be a little bit complicated and time consuming. Think of it like translating a large book into a foreign language.

    In short, compiling the kernel means converting its code into something that will actually run on your computer. Obtaining Kernel Sources You can’t make a fire without fuel.

    Likewise, you can’t compile programs if you don’t have the code for it in the first place. The method is generally the same for most Linux operating systems with a few exceptions. Many of them supply their own custom kernel sources.

    You should try and use that if you can. For example, if you’re using a Debian-based operating system such as Ubuntu, you should install the sources using these commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install linux-source You can also install different versions of this package (e.g. Linux-source-4.8.0) if you like. You’ll find the installed files in the /usr/src/ directory, so navigate there, and view the contents. Cd /usr/src/ ls You’ll see a file that ends with.tar.bz2.

    This is the source you’ll be using. Extract it with this command: sudo tar xjvf linux-source-4.4.0.tar.bz2 Make sure you replace the file with the correct name, of course. The file will be quite big, so the process will take a little while! Alternative Method If you like, you may obtain your sources from the. I recommend this only if your Linux operating system doesn’t provide them. Select the version you want and download away.

    If you go through this route, you should download it to an empty folder. This way, if you want to compile more kernels in the future, you’ll have a nice folder to keep them organized in.

    Prerequisites Before you proceed, you must install some programs that will let you customize and compile it. On Debian-based systems, you need the build-essential package, among others: sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc libncurses5-dev libssl-dev The libncurses5-dev package will make it easier to configure the kernel, so make sure to install it. Other Linux operating systems will have a similar program, but this may be under a different name.

    For example, if you’re using Fedora isn't as well known as Ubuntu, and has a reputation for being hard to use. But if this is true, why do so many people continue using Fedora?, it’s called ncurses. If it’s not installed already, you’ll also need the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). This is the tool responsible for translating the raw source code into something understandable to computers. That is to say, compiling. Having installed these programs, open up your terminal so that you’re inside the extracted Linux source folder. For example, if you used the linux-source method, you’d do this: cd /usr/src/linux-source-4.4.0 Kernel Configuration File Before compiling the kernel, you need to tell GCC how you want it done.

    You do this using a command line tool called make. Type in this command: sudo make localmodconfig This creates a file called.config, which tells GCC what to compile from the kernel sources. The make localmodconfig command detects currently running kernel components, and marks them for compilation. If the kernel is inside a folder you own, you won’t need sudo for it to work.

    You may come across some messages like the one below. Just press the Enter key to skip them — they’re usually just new kernel features. However, localmodconfig is not perfect! If you’re not currently using some parts of your computer, it may not detect all the things it supports.

    As such, you need to enable them manually. Alternatively, you can skip this step entirely and use the next command instead. This will compile the new kernel with the same options as the one you’re currently using. If you’d prefer that, but used the localmodconifg command before, do this: sudo make clean This will give you a clean build. You should also use this command if you’ve compiled a kernel with these sources before.

    Further Configuration Inside the kernel source folder, there’s a file called.config. This is what GCC will use to choose what to compile. Instead of editing it manually (not recommended), you’ll instead use a few terminal tools. This will make selecting compile options much easier. Having done this, fine tune it further: sudo make nconfig You’ll see a colorful menu pop up.

    This is the kernel configuration menu. To navigate around, use the arrow keys.


    You can press the right arrow key to expand entries with a — sign next to them. Navigate out of these sub-menus by pressing the left arrow key. You can toggle menu entries that have the or sign next to them by pressing the space bar. This will cycle through the different menu options. If you see a. or M inside, that specific kernel component will be compiled.

    The only difference between them is that the M option will be loaded when it’s needed. This can be useful if you’re compiling a driver for example, that won’t be used often. If you want to know more about what a specific switch does, press F2 over it. You’ll see a helpful description of what you’re compiling. Once you’re all done, press the F9 button to save and exit. Compiling & Installing the Kernel Now that you’ve created a custom make file, you’ll need to the kernel.

    Type in this command: sudo make -j$(nproc -all) You will not need sudo if you downloaded the kernel sources off the web. The second part of the command helps speed up the kernel compile time, by taking advantage of all your Every computer has a processor, whether it's a small efficiency pro or a large performance powerhouse, or else it wouldn't be able to function. Of course, the processor, also called the CPU or Central Processing. You may get rid of this, or change the number to something else (e.g.j2), if you want to use your computer for other tasks without too many hiccups. However, this will also make the compiling slower! This process can and will take a very long time. The less you chose to compile, the shorter it will be.

    Even so, you’ll probably need to be patient. Afterwards, type this command in to finish compiling the rest of the kernel: sudo make modulesinstall To actually use this kernel, you’ll need to enter this command: sudo make install This will automatically copy the kernel to your /boot folder and generate the appropriate files to make it work. Switching Kernels Using GRUB If you reboot after installing your new kernel, your system might not work! This is usually due to an improperly compiled kernel (that is, not supporting your computer well enough). Case in point, my own laptop. Just in case this happens, I recommend so that it can switch back to older kernels.

    To do this, use this command: sudo nano /etc/default/grub Place a # sign in front of the GRUBHIDDENTIMEOUT and GRUBHIDDENTIMEOUTQUIET lines. Afterwards, save these changes by running this command: sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg Now if you reboot your computer, you’ll be able to switch to an older kernel if your new one doesn’t work. Simply go to the Advanced options menu item and select the kernel you want to boot.

    If everything works out fine, congratulations! You’ll be using the kernel you compiled by yourself.


    Are you interested in compiling more kernels? Other programs? Do you find it worthwhile? Image Credits: chombosan/Shutterstock Explore more about:.

    Rebuild Linux Kernel

    Is there a Linux equivalent to the Mac OS X command fsusage? According to the it does the following: 'report system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity in real-time'. I suppose one option would be to use strace and filter the data, however the fsusage command allows all the processes running on the system to be 'traced' at the same time. You can use to monitor system calls related to filesystem activity like open, stat or lstat. Unfortunately, monitoring read or write seems to be problematic.

    Auditctl is an utility to assist controlling the kernel's audit system. You'll need to be root in order to use it. It supports various filters like: devmajor Device Major Number devminor Device Minor Number dir Full Path of Directory to watch.

    This will place a recursive watch on the directory and its whole subtree. It can only be used on exit list. Egid Effective Group ID. May be numeric or the groups name.

    Euid Effective User ID. May be numeric or the user account name. Filetype The target file's type. Can be either file, dir, socket, symlink, char, block, or fifo. Path Full Path of File to watch.

    It can only be used on exit list. Yes, Yes, I know. The Apple source code for fsusage is available online, it's quite possible to compile it yourself. Of course, there ARE some caveats. It's based on the Apple OS X's netbsd system calls, so some (ha!) editing would be needed. Even comes with a complimentary Makefile (netbsd flavored, alas).

    But if you call within the next 10 minutes, they'll even throw in a usable man page. All for free!

    I've been watching too much late night infomercials. (No refunds, batteries not included, do not return to store, some assembly required) (and after looking through the code, and seeing your example, I do believe something could be created to do a 'subset' of fsusage's features pretty quickly. Let me tinker.) I've got a working program, beginning to look similar to what you're looking for, have to do some more work on it to get closer, but you're all welcome to try it. No, I answered that the source is available. I know they're different, which is why I'm tinkering with a solution myself.

    But the fact that the source is available is very helpful. Yes, the kernels are different, but it's not all that difficult to match functions and procedures up. I've got a partial program doing SOME of the features of the original already. No harder than adapting a program from Windows to Linux or vice-versa. Technical analysis coursera setup metatrader 4 for mac download. Coincidentally, I've been working on some projects in a similar vein, so I've a developed a callus from banging my head on this set of problems.:) – Jun 11 '12 at 21:22. Might be a possibility. The two closest options I can see (built-in) would be iostat and inotify.

    Iostat will just show input/output stats for a device or partition on the system. Is a system file watcher, that you can hook into with a script to alert you of file changes. You would have to write your own event code to tell it to listen for file reads/writes, and then what to do with that signal. From the link/man page: Inotify can be used to monitor individual files, or to monitor directories.

    When a directory is monitored, inotify will return events for the directory itself, and for files inside the directory. Personally, I'd write a Python or bash script to run the inotify when I needed to monitor for changes, and disable it when uneeded.

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    Linux Kernel For Mac